Forbereder seg på League One-fotball i år

Liam Vincent (bildet) og Jayden Reid har ikke spilt en eneste obligatorisk kamp for Pompey etter at de kom til klubben sommeren 2021. Nå er de begge med for fullt i sesongoppkjøringen.

NYHETER: Den 19 år gamle venstrebacken Liam Vincent ble hentet til Pompey etter 2020/21-sesongen. Han kom da fra Bromley hvor han hadde imponert så mye at en rekke ligaklubber ville hente ham.

Dessverre for Vincent røk hele 2021/22-sesongen på grunn av skade, men nå er Vincent skadefri. I sommerens første treningskamp vant Pompey 3-0 mot Havant & Waterlooville. Da spilte Vincent hele 2. omgang og tenåringen scoret vårt 3-0-mål på et flott frispark.

SE OGSÅ: Liam Vincents spillerprofil


Liam Vincents kommentarer

«It was difficult for me last season, so it was nice to finally be able to play in front of our supporters. I’m slowly getting there, although not quite where I want to be just yet because we’re only two weeks in.

There’s been a lot of running to help build up our fitness ready for the new season and also possession based work. It’s still a case of managing the injury to an extent, but I’m in a good place and am only going to get fitter. I’m pain free, although it still gets sore every now and then – which you expect from the workload in pre-season.

I want to play as much football as possible, preferably with Pompey or maybe out on loan somewhere.”

Om målet i treningskampen sier Vincent:

«I have a little routine and just had to visualise the ball going into the net – fortunately that’s what happened. I like to take set-pieces and just fancied this one, so I stepped up and it was a really nice moment for me.”


Alvorlig kneskade forrige sesong

Jayden Reid led samme skjebne som Liam Vincent forrige sesong. Den nå 21 år gamle vingen imponerte Danny Cowley på prøvespill forrige sommer. Han ble belønnet med en toårskontrakt, men få dager senere pådro han seg en alvorlig skade og fikk beskjed om at hele kommende sesong var spolert.

Det var en kneskade på Reid, men han skal nå være

SE OGSÅ: Jayden Reids spillerprofil


Jayden Reids kommentarer

“I’m just happy to be recovered from my injury because it was obviously frustrating to miss the whole season. Now I’m back and, like everyone else, working hard to make sure we’re ready for the first league match.

“I want to play my part by providing some goals and assists to help Pompey have a successful season. I was working on my own for a lot of last season, so it’s been nice to be back out with the rest of the lads again.»

Jayden Reid i aksjon for Pompey i treningskamp mot Havant & Waterlooville i sommer.