Fornøyd med det han så

Pompey spilte en kamp mot QPR bak «lukkede dører» i går. Hovedtrener Danny Cowley var fornøyd med det han så fra sine spillere.

NYHETER: I en ikke-annonsert treningskamp tapte Pompey 2-1 mot Championship-laget QPR onsdag. Kampen ble spilt på QPRs treningsbane på Harlington.

Danny Cowley valgte å bruke 21 forskjellige spillere i løpet av kampen, deriblant åtte prøvespillere.

John Marquis ga Pompey ledelsen og Pompey ledet 1-0 til pause. I 2. omgang scoret QPR to ganger og vant kampen 2-1. Danny Cowley var fornøyd med det han så og opplevde Pompey som det beste laget alt i alt.

Keeper Alex Bass var den eneste Pompey-spilleren som spilte 90 minutter. Dette var hans første fotballkamp på sju måneder etter at han ble skadet tidlig i januar.


Cowleys kommentarer etter kampen

“There were a few new relationships – which is expected at this time of year – but I was pleased with the intensity. To win the first half against a really good Championship side was pleasing and there are a lot of positives to take. Although we ended up losing the second half, I thought we were the better team and I was disappointed for them.

I was impressed with the number of turnovers we got in the opposition half and there was incisive attacking play. There were probably three really good chances that you have to take if you want to win games. We weren’t quite as ruthless as we would have liked. It gives us a good base, though, and we’ll take some learning from it before preparing for the Havant & Waterlooville match.

It was great to see Alex Bass back and he’s trained really well in the past couple of weeks. His handling looked good and there was probably only one lapse of concentration. He didn’t have too much to do, but what he did was efficient and there were some good decisions made.”