Ny toårskontrakt på Hackett

Selv om han gikk skadet siste halvdel av sesongen, fikk Reeco Hackett en ny toårskontrakt med Pompey.

NYHETER: Den 24 år gamle anvendelige angrepsspilleren scoret fem mål for Pompey i 2021/22-sesongen og spilte i flere offensive posisjoner i løpet av sesongen. Totalt står han nå med 35 kamper (5 mål) for Pompey. 34 av disse kampene kom i 2021/22-sesongen etter at han knapt hadde fått sjansen før sesongen vi har bak oss.

Vårsesongen så Hackett fra sidelinjen etter at han pådro seg en kneskade i februar, men nå blir han altså å se i Pompey-drakt to år til. Selv om ikke Pompey røper detaljer fra kontraktene, rapporteres det om at Hackett har fått en økonomisk bedre kontrakt enn han hadde. Han kom fra Bromley i januar 2020 og var trolig blant førstelagets lavest lønnede før han nå fikk ny kontrakt.

SE OGSÅ: Reeco Hacketts spillerprofil


Reeco Hacketts kommentarer

«I’m over the moon to have signed a new contract that will keep me at this great football club. We’d been in talks for a little while, but it was always something that I really wanted to do, so I’m buzzing.

I picked up an injury last season and that was frustrating, although I was pleased with how things had been going before that. In a lot of the games I was used as a wing-back, which isn’t my natural position, so there was plenty of learning for me there. I probably improved as a player overall because of that, so hopefully I can kick on this season and really show what I can do.

I’ve spoken to a few of the boys over the break and everyone’s excited to get back and try to have a successful campaign.”


Danny Cowleys kommentarer

“We’re really pleased that Reeco has signed a new deal because he’s still a young player and has a fantastic learning capacity. There’s still a lot more to come from him and he’s someone who can be used in a variety of positions, while he also has tactical intelligence.

He had a good first part of the season and it was unfortunately curtailed through injury, but he worked hard in rehab and is in good shape. We feel that Reeco can really push on now because he has the ability to both create and score goals, so we’re delighted he’s staying with us.

Whenever I speak to our players about new contracts, I know that their relationship with the supporters plays a big part.”