1. januar jublet han for scoring da Pompey knuste Swansea 4-0. Nå er lykken snudd til fortvilelse. Kantspilleren med den strålende 23/24-sesongen er ute med kneskade i lang tid.
NYHETER: Det var i bortekampen mot Blackburn tidligere denne måneden Paddy Lane måtte støttes av banen. Nå er det klart at skaden er alvorlig og vil holde ham ute av spill i minst fire måneder. Det betyr at 2024/25-sesongen i praksis er over for den 23 år gamle kantspilleren.
Veldig trist for den blide humørsprederen som forrige sesong scoret tolv mål på 42 kamper da Pompey vant League One. Denne sesongen har han ikke fått det like godt til, og han har stort sett kommet inn fra benken. Men han var i ferd med å tilpasse seg nivået i Championship, hadde stigning i prestasjonene og nettopp scoret sitt første mål i Championship da denne skaden kom.
SE OGSÅ: Paddy Lanes spillerprofil
Hovedtrener John Mousinhos kommentarer til skaden
«Unfortunately Paddy is most likely going to be out for the season. It was unfortunately very similar to Joe Morrell’s injury last year and will probably be around four months as a bare minimum.
We’re obviously gutted for him. Paddy was coming back into the side, picking up his fitness and looking like he was adjusting well to the level. I’m gutted for the kid.
To be honest when he came off the pitch (at Blackburn) I feared ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), so it is a positive from that perspective. But unfortunately it will still see him out for the season.»
Kaptein Marlon Packs kommentarer til Paddy Lanes skade
«It’s a huge blow for Paddy. His first season in the Championship and he was starting to find his feet again after a difficult start for all of us. It has probably been harder for the forward players because of the level, you don’t get as many chances.
Looking at it selfishly, his personality is so infectious around the group and we are going to miss that on the training pitch. Having said that, Paddy will still be a vital cog for us to achieve our task this year. We still need Paddy Lane at his best in and around the dressing room.
He signed for us in a January (2023), which is always a hard one, and come out of his shell massively. He’s one of the big characters, his personality is infectious, he makes the lads laugh. He strikes that balance being a bit of a joker but also realising there’s a time and a place and this year we have definitely needed that, especially when results haven’t gone our way. It’s easy to get your head down. Sometimes as a group we need something to lift us – and Paddy’s personality does that.
We’ve spoken and there is that initial feeling of disappointment being injured, but he’s been injured before and what you put in you get out, so he knows the process and hopefully will be in good spirits once he has the surgery.I think he was expecting the worst and it’s not ideal, it could have been a lot worse than what he was potentially thinking. I know he lives with Ryley, but it’s important we all get around him and support him whenever he needs it, while we also have staff there supporting his recovery.»