Du hadde kanskje glemt han, men Anthony Scully er nå tilbake i Pompey.
NYHETER: Kantspilleren Anthony Scully ble hentet til Pompey fra Wigan foran fjorårssesongen, men skader og manglende prestasjoner førte til at han i liten grad fikk bidratt i det som ble en jubelsesong for Pompey i League One.
Han spilte ni kamper for Pompey i 2023/24 og har ikke vært på banen for Pompey i det hele tatt i 2024/25. Mousinho valgte å låne han ut til Colchester i League Two. Colchesters hovedtrener er Danny Cowley, den tidligere Pompey-treneren.
Låneavtalen var egentlig for hele denne sesongen, men etter ni kamper (ett mål) for Colchester ble han ankelskadet. Da det ble klart at han må opereres for å bli frisk, valgte Colchester å avbryte låneavtalen nå i januar. Dermed er Scully tilbake i Pompey.
Han kommer neppe til å spille mer for Pompey dog. Hans kontrakt går ut ved sesongslutt, og selv om Pompey har opsjon på forlengelse av den kontrakten med ytterligere ett år er det svært usannsynlig at det vil skje.
SE OGSÅ: Anthony Scullys spillerprofil
Danny Cowleys kommentarer til Scullys situasjon
«Anthony has gone back to Portsmouth, which I think was the right thing for all parties really. We’re hoping that Anthony might come back to us. He’s obviously had a stop-start period in his career. He’s a great kid who really wants to do well and a really, really good player.
We’ve been really appreciative of Portsmouth; we took him on deadline day and they were very generous with the agreement that we had with them. Unfortunately, he’s just had this issue with his ankle. He had some metalwork put in when he had the operation and that meant that he didn’t have much mobility in that ankle joint. That was putting a lot of stress on his knee and his hip, on that right side.
The medical guys here identified that and off the back of that, went back to see the surgeon. The surgeon highlighted that it should have come out a long time ago, so it’s been mis-managed somewhere along the line which is a shame for Anthony, for sure because it’s taken a lot of playing opportunities away from him.
The good news is that the metalwork has come out now and he’s actually back in with the specialist today (Monday), so we’ll learn more off the back of that but I’ve got no doubt that when he comes back, he’s going to be a really good player. We always knew that Anthony wouldn’t be back until mid-February, at the earliest and more realistically, the beginning of March. He’s made really good progress in a short space of time.»