2024-25: Wycombe Wanderers – Portsmouth 2-0 (FA Cup)

Reserverne gjorde ingen god figur. 

Som forventet blev der roteret kraftigt med startelleveren da vi fredag aften tog afsked med denne sæsons FA Cup i første forsøg. Således var der skiftet hele ni spillere blandt de elleve, der fik lov til at være med fra første fløjt. Det betød blandt andet startdebuter til Rob Atkinson og Abdoulaye Kamara. Freddie Potts og Paddy Lane var de to eneste fra kampen i Sunderland, der fik lov til at beholde deres pladser. Begge blev dog skiftet ud i pausen, hvilket var planlagt. Til gengæld gav pokalkampen mulighed for comeback til Jordan Williams, som dermed kom i kamp for første gang siden starten af november.


Den officielle kamprapport


FA Cuppens 3. runde, Adams Park, 10. januar 2025

Wycombe Wanderers – Portsmouth 2-0 (2-0)

17. minut: 1-0 Brandon Hanlan

27. minut: 2-0 Sonny Bradley

Opstillingen (4-2-3-1): Archer (Schmid ’46); Devlin, McIntyre, Atkinson (Towler ’46), Williams (Swanson ’62); Potts (Dozzell ’46), Kamara; Ritchie (anfører), Moxon, Lane (Clout ’77); Saydee

På bænken: Schmid, Ogilvie, Ani, Singerr, Bishop, Towler, Swanson, Dozzell og Clout

Advarsler: Saydee og Devlin

Tilskuere: 5.240, heraf 1.569 medrejsende Pompey supportere


Den massive udskiftning i startelleveren var en kalkuleret gambling, som desværre gav bagslag uanset at den var logisk. Det skuffende er reelt ikke vores exit fra FA Cuppen, nærmere måden at det skete på. Det var ikke meget at reserverne viste denne aften i High Wycombe ud over den kæmpe chance som Paddy Lane og Christian Saydee brændte ved stillingen 0-0. Manglen på egen vilje og energi betød desværre, at det trods alt blev nødvendigt at skifte flere stamspillere ind, hvor det havde været mest oplagt at spare dem fuldstændigt. Nu skal det så blive spændende at se, hvad det betyder for onsdagens kamp. I det mindste ligger hele fire ”hviledage” mellem de to kampe, men taber vi på Ewood Park kan det konstateres, at eksperimentet slog hel og aldeles fejl.


Kommentarer fra head coach Mousinho

“I can live with the result, but it’s just the performance and the way we went under after going a goal down. There were a load of chances for players to come into the side and make their mark, so I’d have selection decisions going forward – I was looking forward to that. After the start we made, I was looking forward to the game even more, but we didn’t capitalise on it. We had a gilt-edged chance that we couldn’t take and then conceded the first goal, but to have no contact with Bradley from a set-piece is really concerning.”

“We’ve had a really busy Christmas period and Blackburn on Wednesday will be the fifth away game out of six. So there’s been a reliance on a core group in recent weeks and we didn’t want to risk some of our key players. That’s why we rested a few legs. Everyone at the club knows that the league is the most important thing for us, but we still should have been far more competitive. There’s not much I can say to the players because if they don’t know that’s well below the standard, then there’s no hope.”

Et par ord fra Jordan Williams

“The main thing for me was getting through the game and having some minutes in the bank. It’s never nice to be on the sidelines, but it gives you a chance to reflect on how you can improve and try to implement that when you return. The team is in a better place now as a whole than when I got injured, which is a nice thing to come back to. Performances have improved and we have to keep trying to build momentum during the second half of the season.”

“It’s very disappointing because the performance was below par and we have to apologise to the supporters. We need to get over it quickly, though, because there’s another important match on Wednesday that we have to prepare for. I thought we started the game brightly and had a couple of good chances, but they scored and we fell into a trap of over-playing a bit. We need to learn from that and it was definitely a frustrating night for everyone involved with the club.”


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