– Hans Pompey-framtid er i en annen posisjon

Den unge midtbanespilleren Terry Devlin har vært ute i kulden de siste kampene. Nå deler John Mousinho sine tanker om Devlins Pompey-framtid.

NYHETER: Den 20 år gamle nordiren, med U21-landskamper for Nord-Irland, spilte 25 kamper og scoret to mål for Pompey forrige sesong. Da var han ute med skade de siste månedene av sesongen.

Den hardtarbeidende unggutten kom fra Glentoran før 23/24-sesongen og skrev under på en treårskontrakt. Denne sesongen kom han inn som innbytter i bortekampene mot Leeds og Middlesbrough (i henholdsvis første og tredje serierunde). I tillegg var han ubenyttet innbytter mot Luton i 2. serierunde. Etter det har han ikke vært i kamptroppen til Pompey i noen av seriekampene.

Selv om han nå er ute i kulden og ikke får spilletid, er hovedtrener John Mousinho klar på at unge Devlin har en Pompey-framtid.

SE OGSÅ: Terry Devlins spillerprofil


John Mousinhos kommentarer til The News

«I think his best position now is right-back. The difficult thing for him is we’ve got two front-line right-backs at the moment, so it’s a tough one for him.

We bought him as an eight and when we were playing a six and two eights early last season that would have suited him. We tweaked that and it made things difficult for him, so we played him as a 10 sometimes. It’s a tough one for him, because our formation hasn’t necessarily suited him.

He’s been brilliant at right-back when he came in last season and did a job there – and pre-season this year. It was Fleetwood, Port Vale and Oxford – then he got injured when he was looking really good.

Terry came into the squad for two of the first three games and played against Leeds and Middlesbrough. He then had that game against Millwall and my feedback to Terry was he’s probably slightly ahead of where we thought he’d be. His progress has been brilliant and we didn’t expect him to play as much as he did last year.

So a year into his progress he’s been thrust into the Championship and I felt there were certain moments which bypassed him and looked a bit quick for him at this stage – but he could probably say it looked like that for everyone at Stoke! So I just feel it’s a chance for him to work on his game. Terry’s got a fantastic attitude and a big future here.

He has to keep going with that. There’s no issue whatsoever, he’s just a young lad we’re looking to progress.»