– Det var riktig å sette Will ut av laget nå

Etter å ha spilt samtlige 54 seriekamper for Pompey etter overgangen fra Burnley sommeren 2023, ble Will Norris vraket foran forrige helgs hjemmekamp mot Oxford.

NYHETER: Pompeys hovedtrener John Mousinho forteller The News at det var den rette tingen å gjøre å vrake Norris etter 1-6-tapet mot Stoke fire dager tidligere. Etter 54 kamper på rad fra start, var det altså ikke Will Norris som sto i mål for Pompey mot Oxford. I stedet fikk østerrikske Nicholas Schmid sin debut mellom stengene for Pompey.

Norris var heller ikke å se på benken. Der var det Jordan Archer som satt klar i tilfelle behov for et keeperbytte i løpet av kampen. Will Norris var ikke syk, men satt på tribunen (på South Stand) og så Pompey spille 1-1 mot Oxford.

SE OGSÅ: Will Norris sin spillerprofil


John Mousinhos kommentarer til avgjørelsen

«It wasn’t an easy decision, Will has played every minute of every league game since he’s been here. I thought it was the right thing to do to bring him out after the other night – and we have two goalkeepers there in Jordan and Nico also competing for that spot. It was a tough decision.

I thought Nicolas was a spectator for a large part of the game, although did make a brilliant save (from Idris El MIzouni). He didn’t have anything to do in the second half up until the goal, so that was largely disappointing.

I was very, very pleased with his debut and distribution, the fact it was his first game in this country as well, he can take a lot of credit for that.’

Will Norris signerte for Pompey sommeren 2023. Fram til kampen mot Oxford nå i oktober, hadde Norris spilt samtlige seriekamper for Pompey.