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Ibane Bowat skadet seg på trening før han fikk sin debut. Nå forteller John Mousinho at Pompeys midtstopperkjøp fra Fulham ikke blir å se på banen før 2025/26-sesongen.

NYHETER: Den 190 centimeter høye midtstopperen fylte 22 år tidligere denne måneden. Han kom fra Fulham for et ikke offentliggjort beløp like før transfervinduet stengte, men rakk ikke å debutere for Pompey før han skadet seg på treningsfeltet.

De første prognosene sa at han trolig var ute i seks måneder, men nå forteller hovedtrener John Mousinho at det står verre til enn som så.

Bowat pådro seg en kneskade på noe som ble betegnet som «a freak accident» på treningsfeltet.

SE OGSÅ: Ibane Bowats spillerprofil


Mousinhos kommentarer til Bowats skade

«Ibane’s okay, the surgery went well, but he’s in a brace and is not moving particularly fluently at the moment. He’s still on crutches, but in good spirits, and returned to us last week following a week off. He was also at the game on Saturday.

We are not looking at Ibane playing again this season. If he comes back any earlier we will be thrilled, but there is no pressure for this season because of the severity of the injury. Tearing a patellar tendon is severe.

He’s obviously frustrated, whenever you get injured it’s not the best thing in the world, yet this was just after signing for a new club and happened in such an innocuous way.’

Ibane hasn’t got an injury history, quite the opposite. For such a young lad, he’s played quite a lot of games. He had two loans where he went out and played full seasons on the continent and hasn’t really had any injuries. There’s no injury record there. Unfortunately it’s one of those things, there is no history of injury with that patellar tendon either.»

Hovedtrener John Mousinho.