Kjøpte ving fra Liverpool

Det er ikke hvert år Pompey henter spillere fra en av de store Premier League-klubbene, men før overgangsvinduet stengte kjøpte Pompey en 20 år gammel ving fra Liverpool.

NYHETER: 20 år gamle Harvey Blair (fyller 21 senere i september) har skrevet under på en treårskontrakt med Pompey. Pompey har også opsjon på ytterligere ett år.

Klubbene røper ikke overgangssummen, men det spekuleres i engelske medier i en overgangssum på 300.000 pund. Denne skal potensielt kunne økes til 600.000 pund.

Blair har vært i Liverpool siden han var elleve år, men etter kun én førstelagskamp var det tid for å flytte på seg for å spille regelmessig førstelagsfotball. Han spilte en del for Liverpool i sommerens treningskamper, men nå er det Championship-fotball med Pompey som er tingen.

SE OGSÅ: Harvey Blairs spillerprofil


Hovedtrener John Mousinhos kommentarer til overgangen

«Harvey’s a fantastic young player, who has shown plenty of potential after coming through Liverpool’s academy. He’s been heavily involved with the first team during pre-season and shown a huge amount of both talent and promise.

I feel like he’s the type of player we’ll all be excited to see at Fratton Park and as well being a prospect for the future, we believe he can affect the team now.”


Harvey Blairs kommentarer til overgangen

«It feels unbelievable. I can’t wait to meet all the fans at Fratton Park and then really kick on from there. I had a Zoom meeting with the manager, Rich Hughes and [head of recruitment] Brad Wall and it seemed like they had a plan for me.

I really liked that and when I heard what they were thinking, it was 100 percent that I was coming to Pompey. It felt like the right time to come here and make the next step – I’m looking forward to getting going.

I want to keep going and live up to my potential. I can play anywhere across the forward line, although my best position is on the left. There are only positives from my time at Liverpool and all the staff were so helpful for my development.

I’m a fan, so I was really happy when I joined at the age of 11 and then I signed my first professional contract. But the highlight was playing against Preston in the cup. I was confused at not being involved in a Premier League 2 game and then got a text to say I was reporting for the first team instead.

I just thought I’d be training, but I did well and I remember Jürgen telling me I was with the starters. He told me to go on the pitch and express myself. All the pressure came when I got into the tunnel and heard the fans, but I got 60 minutes and it was a good game. It was also a good experience against the big teams out in America in pre-season, competing against the likes of Ødegaard and Rashford and gaining more experience of men’s football.”