Ritchie returnerer til Pompey

Matt Ritchie var ønsket av en rekke klubber, men valgte å signere for Pompey. Klubben hvor han startet sin karrière og fortsatt har et stort hjerte for. 

NYHETER: Han spilte bare ti kamper for Pompey etter å ha gått gradene i Pompeys akademi. Daværende manager Steve Cotterill hadde ikke troen på han og solgte ham til Swindon. Der ble Ritchie en stor suksess og ble solgt til Bournemouth. Her fortsatte suksessen for vingen med den gode forten og han ble med dem til Premier League og ble deretter solgt til Newcastle. Han har også fått en rekke landskamper for Skottland i denne perioden.

Nå har Ritchie spilt i Newcastle siden 2016 og han forlot klubben i sommer som en supporterfavoritt. Som Bosman-spiller hadde han mange muligheter i sommer – og det ryktes at klubber som Bournemouth og Watford var blant de som ville hente ham. Ritchie ønsket å komme hjem og signerte denne uka en toårskontrakt med Pompey.

Dermed gjør han som Marlon Pack gjorde for to år siden: Kommer hjem til Fratton Park for å avslutte karrieren – før det er for sent.


SE OGSÅ: Matt Ritchies spillerprofil


Hovedtrener John Mousinhos kommentarer til overgangen

«Everyone will know what Matt is all about because he’s had a fantastic Premier League career. I’m sure all the fans have tracked his incredible progress since he was last at the club and been pleased by what he’s achieved.

It’s a transfer that’s been talked about for a long time and it’s amazing that we’ve been able to get it done. As well as playing in the top-flight for a number of seasons, Matt also has plenty of experience at this level, having been promoted from the Championship a couple of times.

It’s one of those signings that will provide a real boost around the place because he’s a fantastic player and in very good physical condition. We’re very excited to have him here.”


Matt Ritchies kommentarer til overgangen

«It’s not really sunk in yet. We’ve had a few weeks of conversations and I’m delighted to be here – it’s a dream come true. I always had in my mind that there was unfinished business for me here. I love this club, as we all do and I’m excited for the challenge.

It’s always been at the back of my mind that it would be an amazing thing for me to finish what I started here because I wasn’t able to get going.  I’m so happy to be back and hopefully I can add something to this group. It does feel like being a kid again.

I’ve always been very proud that I’ve been through the Pompey set-up and now I’m over the moon to be back. I feel fresh. I haven’t played loads of football in the past 18 months or so, but felt like I had a significant role at Newcastle.

Hopefully I can bring the skills and qualities I brought to the squad there to Pompey. I’m ready to go in the Championship. I always wanted to come back with something still in legs and ready to work hard on the pitch for the team.

I’ve stayed in touch with Marlon Pack throughout our careers and have lots of friends and family in the area, while I’ve always been a fan. On the odd occasion I’ve been able to come back, I’ve brought my kids to watch the games. This club has always held a special place in my heart.»