Låner Middlesbrough-ving

I en noe overraskende overgang, har Pompey signert Middlesbrough-vingen Sammy Silvera på lån.

NYHETER: Den 23 år gamle australske landslagsspilleren har skrevet under på en kontrakt med Pompey for 2024/25-sesongen. Vingen kommer på lån fra divisjonskollega Middlesbrough.

Han spilte hele 42 kamper og scoret seks mål for Middlesbrough forrige sesong. Det er derfor noe overraskende at han nå lånes ut til en klubb i samme divisjon.

Silvera beskrives som en spiller med stort potensial. Rask, sterk og god én mot én. Samtidig beskrives han som en uferdig spiller. Det er blandede reaksjoner blant Middlesbrough-supportere i sosiale medier på overgangen.

Silvera selv forteller at han valgte å gå til Pompey etter at klubben ble veldig framsnakket av både Kusini Yengi og Alex Robertson, som han kjenner gjennom spill for Australia.

SE OGSÅ: Sam Silveras spillerprofil


Hovedtrener John Mousinhos kommentarer til overgangen

«This is a deal that we’re delighted to get over the line and we’re grateful to Middlesbrough for loaning Sammy to us. We’ve brought in a powerful and direct winger with Championship experience, who can play on both sides of the pitch and is technically very strong.

He’s an exciting player and is capable of making things happen in the final third to get the crowd on their feet.»


Silveras kommentarer til overgangen

«It’s a long journey down from the other end of the country, but I’m thrilled to be here. Kusini spoke so highly about this club – and especially the gaffer – and I talked with Alex, who was here last season.

Again, he spoke highly about Pompey and the atmosphere, so now I just can’t wait to get started here. I’ve heard it’s a packed stadium and always loud at home games and about the culture and direction the club won’t to go in, so there’s a lot of positive talk.

It’s good, exciting football and that’s why the fans got behind the team so much last season. Hopefully I can help excite them more. There are some massive sides in this league and having that support will only help us to get results.

I’m quick and skilful in one-v-ones, so that’s what I’m looking to bring, while also hoping to add more goals and assists.I feel like this is the place where I can do that and as a group, we want to achieve bigger and better things