En ny start for Pompey

Michael Pantling liker at John Mousinho kom så kjapt i gang med å fornye Pompey-stallen.

MENINGER: Vår medlem nummer 39, Michael Pantling, er bosatt i Danmark, men pleier å reise over til England for å se Pompey flere ganger i sesongen enn noen andre av våre medlemmer. Han har da også sesongkort på Fratton Park.

Han deler jevnlig sine tanker og meninger om Pompey med oss. Denne gangen ser Michael på tingenes tilstand på Fratton Park knappe to uker før seriestart.

LES OGSÅ: The Only Way Is Up

A Fresh Start For Pompey

This has certainly not been a quiet transfer window for Pompey and with so much activity it has been difficult to keep up both in terms of players coming in and those leaving. Pompey have stagnated in League 1 for far too long and this must be trying the patience of many. It is all very laudable that much effort and money has been pumped into Fratton Park for much needed improvements and restoration of capacity but if the on pitch performance doesn’t achieve some success and soon this could all be in vain.

Nobody likes to see half empty stands anywhere but certainly not at Fratton.


Liker at det er færre lånespillere

I was pleased to see that John Mousinho started to recruit as soon as possible since the longer players have to bed in the sooner an effective team can be built. There has been an interesting mix of positions a general focus on younger players. I don’t think that Pompey have had too much success with loan players over the past few year mainly because many of the ones that were any good ended up going back to their parent club for the second half of the season when we needed them most.

I hope that with only one loan player this season Pompey will remain robust throughout the season.


Håper Raggett blir

I have thought for a long time that Pompey should have sold Ronan Curtis while they could have got a reasonable sum for him as he clearly was not part of Pompey’s long term plans. The few times I actually got to see Denver Hume play I could see that he was talented but he is clearly unhappy at Pompey and is highly unlikely to stay. I am hoping that the talk of other clubs being interested in Sean Raggett is nothing more than gossip since his performances improved towards the end of the season and his experience could be invaluable despite the competition from other players.

Another player with experience who did well was Marlon Pack. It is good that he has been made captain as we need a dominant character to lead the midfield. Colby Bishop also did well and if Pompey can keep him he could once again be our leading goal scorer provided he gets a decent amount of support.

The biggest uncertainty for me will be the goalkeeper. It seems a very long time ago that Pompey had a keeper over a longer period. I know that it is highly that we will have somebody like Alan Knight who seemed to be a permanent fixture for so long but having somebody in position for 2 or 3 years could create stability and confidence.

Derby, Bolton og Barnsley

Our main competitors will undoubtedly include Derby, Bolton and Barnsley and it is difficult to judge how Reading, Blackpool and Wigan will do given their various financial difficulties. I was a little surprised that Plymouth won the league last season and Pompey didn’t even make the Play-offs – over the past few years the matches between us had been fairly balanced and Pompey were certainly not the worst of the two.

There therefore has to be hope that if we can get a good start and maintain momentum we can do a lot better this year. It is what the fans will demand. I can only be positive at the moment and am looking forward to seeing a few more matches this coming season.


Kan Pompey holde på toppscorer Colby Bishop?