Vi kom videre.
Målet var videre avancement, og det blev opnået via en 1-1 kamp spillet i en strid vind. Den efterfølgende sejr i straffesparkskonkurrencen ændrede til gengæld ikke ved, at vi kun blev toer i gruppen. Det betyder at der venter en udebanekamp når der bliver trukket lod til næste runde. Det sker umiddelbart efter den 8. november, hvor de sidste ikke-spillede kampe i turneringens gruppespil løber af stablen.
Der var ikke overraskende en række ændringer i startopstillingen til kampen – hele syv i alt. Kun Zak Swanson, Owen Dale, Ryan Tunnicliffe og Dane Scarlett var igen med fra start.
Den officielle kamprapport
Kommentarer fra manager Danny Cowley
“We’re pleased with the outcome and aspects of our performance in the first half. In the opening 20 minutes we actually played really well, moving the ball quickly and exploiting their man-to-man defensive system. We created chances at will, but didn’t take more than one of them and weren’t as ruthless as we should have been in that period.”
“There were five substitutions made because we had 10 players that we wanted to share the game between. We also couldn’t overuse the academy because they’ve got their own big cup game on Thursday that’s important for their development. Then we have our FA Cup tie on Friday evening, so it wasn’t an easy fixture to navigate our way through and we were almost playing into a hurricane wind in the second half!”
EFL Trophy, Fratton Park, 1. november 2022
Portsmouth – AFC Wimbledon 1-1 (1-1)
15. minut: 1-0 Ronan Curtis
50. minut: 1-1 Ayub Assal
Opstillingen (4-4-2): Oluwayemi; Swanson (Ogilvie ‘46), Morrison (anfører) (Dockerill ‘60), Freeman, Hume; Dale, Tunnicliffe (Hackett ‘60), Morrell (Mingi ‘46), Curtis (Koroma ‘60); Scarlett, Pigott
På bænken: Osei-Owusu, Jewitt-White, Ogilvie, Dockerill, Hackett, Mingi og Koroma
Advarsel: Hume
Udvisning: Ingen
Tilskuere: 2,545 – heraf 124 Wombles fans)
Interview efter kampen med manager Danny Cowley
Interview med Josh Oluwayemi
Kampens Højdepunkter
Josh Oluwayemi reddet tre av fire straffespark i straffesparkkonkurransen.