Tubbs er ikke en populær mand I Cambridge.
Pompey fik vendt bøtten med en 3-1 sejr ude over Cambridge, hvor Tubbs fik chancen fra start, og det var der en god ide, for angriberen fortsatte med at gore det onde mod Cambridge, og det er nu 12 mål I 9 kampe mod the Us.
Op ad bakke
Pompey startede kampen i deres velkendte 4-2-3-1 opstilling , og måtte se sig bagud efter blot 4 min spillet, på kanten af off side blev Simpson sendt af sted, og trods linjevogteren vinkede med flaget, fik spillet lov at fortsætte, og så var Pompey bagud 0-1 mod Cambridge, der med blot 1 sejr i de seneste 7 kampe, tørstede efte rat komme tilbage på sporet.
Pompey overtog herefter kontrol med kampen og bolden blev kørt godt rundt, og trods flere gode forsøg, ja så endte det med 0-0 ved pausen.
Hvad skete der lige der
Et afgørende moment kom så efter der var fløjtet til pause, tumult på banen, førte til at Cambridges anfører Roberts skubbede Pompey keeperen til jorden, og det gav direkte rødt, samtidig med at Pompeyassistent manager Richardson blev bortvist.
Med 11 mand mod 10, så lignede det one way traffic fra start af, men i en godt spillet kamp i højt tempo, ja der var det faktisk hjemmeholdet der lagde bedst ud, og de så farlige ud på kontraangrebene ligefrem til Pompeys udligning.
Det var selvfølgelig Matt Tubbs, som med 3 mål var manden der vendte billedet, med et mål i det 67.min, 68.min og 86.min sendte de mange Pompeyfans hjem med en sejr.
Efter kampen erkendte Tubbs dog at det ene mål, reelt var et selvmål, og efterfølgende er det to scoringer sidste sæsons topscorer blev noteret for
Første scoring var selvmålet, hvor et indlæg fra Evans blev styret I mål, under hårdt pres fra Tubbs. Bolden var knap givet op, hvor Tubbs vise killerinstinkt i feltet og scorede til 2-1 efter et flot pasning fra Roberts
Kort før tid lukkede Pompey kampen, hvor Tubbs stod på det rigtige sted da Naismiths forsøg via overliggeren endte hos Tubbs der kunne score.
Pompey havde heldet, som måske har været lidt savnet, så lad os få stabilitet de næste kampe.
Desværre fik vi en rigtig dum udvisning til slut, som var helt unødvendigt.
Tæt i toppen
Dermed er Pompey top of the league igen, indtil Plymouth spiller, og de kan med en sejr snuppe førstepladsen. Pompey har 23 point for 12 kampe, og nummer 8 i rækken har 21 point, så det er tæt i toppen og det er vigtigt at blive ved med at hente point.
De næste kampe hedder
Newport (24) ude
Stevenage (22) hjemme
Mansfield (4) hjemme
7 point i de tre kampe vil være fint.
Pompey har hjemme hentet 9 point i 6 kampe, mens vi ude har hentet 14 point i 6 kampe.
Pompey manager Paul Cook:
“It was a good test for us at the break and I thought our ball retention and movement in the second half was great.
“We forced them back deeper and deeper, they got more tired and we were able to score two quick goals.
“We’re going to have bad days – that happens in football – but this was a good one and now we look forward to Newport next week.
“We’ll just keep going. I keep saying the same messages to everyone – but whatever position we finish at the end of the season is where we deserve to be.
“Our support was tremendous yet again and the fans were a credit to the club. They keep believing in us.”
Cook disagreed with some of the decisions made by referee Sebastian Stockbridge, but refused to condemn the official.
He said: “The first goal was offside, but I wouldn’t have criticised him even if we’d have lost 1-0 because we all make mistakes – I do as a manager.
“Then Gareth shouldn’t have made an attempt to challenge at that point because the game was over.
“It was a legitimate attempt to play the ball and I wouldn’t have sent him off, but he’ll learn from that.”
Cambridge manager Richard Money:
“We have to regroup and in that sense we can take the positives from our first half performance.
“We still have two or three players that are finding difficult to last the full 90 minutes at a high intensity but I do feel that is coming. One thing they probably didn’t need was 45 minutes being run all over the pitch by a very good team.
“Unfortunately that is what has happened.”
“It was disappointing given that we had a real good start to the game, and although they started to control possession at the end of the first half like we knew they would, we still looked very dangerous on the counter.
“They are a tough team to play against in terms of concentration and focus anyway, never mind having to do 45 minutes with ten men.”
Kommentarer fra The News:
When we went a goal down I thought here we go again, but was pleased with the outcome Cooks move where he brought Burgess forward to partner Tubbs paid off At least Cambridge did not do what other teams have done
with us pile key players in defence they attacked from the word go We still need another more consistent Attacker but can we afford one???
Great game,….although still on the edge of my seat until we scored!!, well done Matt Tubbs, a real poachers performance, as well as full marks to Carl Naismith’s sheer tenacity in creating the off the cross bar rebound for Tubbs to nod home with aplomb his second, I thought among’st others, (to many to mention) Ben Davies put in a real ‘tigerish’ performance (again!)….Can’t not mention Roberts, Doyle and Burgess who were again outstanding.
Glad I’m not coming away bemoaning the poor officials, we admirably coped with and rose above that after the early goal,…..well done all, we never gave up and never stopped playing and it payed off . Shame about Evans’s lunging follow through, but it only served to exemplify the exubrience to the bitter end. …..we will get automatic promotion!!!!… roll on Newport!!
I’m OK with the left field move to throw Burgess up top. But the substitution baffles me a bit. Why take Clarke off?
Thought the lads did really well to rise above the attempted provokation and apparently bizarre officiating (which clearly comes from the boss so well done Cooky for getting the message across), and in the end it was the hosts who lost their heads. They’ll need that same discipline next week.
Well done all. PuP
Great game,….although still on the edge of my seat until we scored!!, well done Matt Tubbs, a real poachers performance, as well as full marks to Carl Naismith’s sheer tenacity in creating the off the cross bar rebound for Tubbs to nod home with aplomb his second, I thought among’st others, (to many to mention) Ben Davies put in a real ‘tigerish’ performance (again!)….Can’t not mention Roberts, Doyle and Burgess who were again outstanding.
Glad I’m not coming away bemoaning the poor officials, we admirably coped with and rose above that after the early goal,…..well done all, we never gave up and never stopped playing and it payed off . Shame about Evans’s lunging follow through, but it only served to exemplify the exubrience to the bitter end. …..we will get automatic promotion!!!!… roll on Newport!!
A crazy match! I must admit, when 20 minutes had gone by in the second half with no breakthrough against 10 men, going to 3-5-2 and pushing Burgess up front looked a bit like desperation to me. But the equaliser soon followed so fair enough, it worked! Apart from the first 10 minutes Pompey were far superior to Cambridge, but I still have concerns over the ability of the side to convert domination of possession and territory into goals. But there’s no reason why this team won’t improve over the course of the season, as the players get to know each other, so lots of positives.
Great result and well done on bringing home the 3 points – efficient and effective as usual away from home. We are still finding it hard to break down teams and score first – twice now we have won 3-1 against ten men having gone behind.
Evan’s red card in injury time was foolish, reckless and needless. His three match ban should open the door for Naismith or Chaplin and I hope they perform admirably.
We need to stay grounded – PC will ensure that. This division is going to be tight. 3 wins between top and 16th?! That is ridiculous.
Beware Newport – another hammering today. PUP.
League Two, Abbey Road, 10/10-15
Cambridge – Portsmouth 1-3 (1-0)
4. min. 1-0 Simpson
45. min. rødt kort Roberts
67. min. 1-1 selvmål
68. min. 1-2 Tubbs
87. min. 1-3 Tubbs
90. min. rødt kort Evans
Pompey (4-2-3-1): McCarey; Davies, Burgess, Clarke (Webster 65), Stevens; Barton (Atangana 89), Doyle (c); Evans, Roberts, Bennett (Naismith 75); Tubbs
Rødt kort: Evans
Gult kort: Davies
Bænken: Bass, Haunstrup, Hollands, Chaplin, Webster, Atangana, Naismith
Tilskuere: 6,607 (1,866 Pompey fans)